Reviews of the Lyrita CD of Tippett, Hamilton and Wordsworth piano music
MusicWeb review by Jonathan Woolf
MusicWeb review by Rob Barnett
William Wordsworth: Cheesecombe Suite by John France
Boulez flute sonatine (from Pierre Boulez Studies)
Far East tour with Barry Tuckwell, 1967
Penang visit
Kuala Lumpur, November 1967
Margaret dons an overcoat
Swiss press reviews 1928-35
Maison du Peuple 28 Mar 1928
Maison du Peuple 3 July 1929
Maison du Peuple 25 June 1930
Institut de Ribaupierre 2 May 1932
Institut de Ribaupierre 25 May 1932
Exam results
Swiss press reviews 1943-50
Prize recital, Lausanne 5 July 1945
Edmond Appia, La Chaux-de-Fonds 11 April 1945
Edmond Appia, La Chaux-de-Fonds 19 Mar 1947
Maria Lidka, Lausanne Conservatoire 22 Feb 1950
Maria Lidka, Lausanne Conservatoire 22 Feb 1950
Swiss Embassy, London 28 Nov 1950
Press reviews post 1950
Lausanne 8 Dec 1964
Extracts of reviews in British publications, mostly The Times and The Musical Times, are given by Lim. They tend to focus on the works rather than the performances.